Service Provider Directory
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- Billing
- Conference Video
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- Gnu/linux Installation And Configuration
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- Hd Video Recording
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- Ruby On Rails Development
- Ruby On Rails Training
- Ruby Training
- Software Development
- Video Editing
- Video For Conferences
- Video Streaming
- Videography
- Web Application Development
- Web Development

Engine Yard
Managed Ruby and Rails hosting and deployment. Offers include our fully-managed solution with the number one Ruby on Rails stack, on-demand deployment and management of your Ruby on Rails application on Amazon EC2 with Engine Yard Solo, and soon a one-click provisioning of dedicated, load-balanced, self-healing clusters with Engine Yard Solo.
The online billing and invoicing solution for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and businesses. Keep track of your clients and their services, create invoices, and get paid.
James Edward Gray II
We are a Web application development shop specializing in Ruby on Rails.
Less Out
Launching Q4 2009 - A preplanned meal service which includes abilities to subscribe to a trainers' meal plan. - Network Operations Team is one church that meets in multiple locations. Our Network Operations Team members support all of the infrastructure behind our internal and external technology initiatives and believe strongly in the ability to use technology as a tool to empower people and ministry in order to reach our community and the world.
Oklahoma City Coworking Collaborative
A professional work environment for freelancers and entrepreneurs that is available on a flexible time-share basis where you can meet and interact with other smart, creative and technical people.
Opus Video Productions
Increase the audience at your next event! Live streaming and recording high-definition video can increase the visibility and impact of your event and also provide an additional source of revenue. Opus is a full-service production company ready to help you add professional video to your next event.

Web design & hosting featuring WordPress & Site Grinder. Our hosting is dedicated, scalable, and current with the latest greatest Linux and Window based technologies.
Story Chasers Inc.
Story Chasers Inc. is a nonprofit organization empowering learners to become digital witnesses, safely and constructively sharing their voices on the global stage of the Internet.
Stuph Labs
Stuph Labs is GNU/Linux and Free Software consulting and support company.
Thirty Sixth Span Internet Technologies
We are a software development firm specializing in social networking technologies.